速報APP / 健康塑身 / Simple Contraction Timer

Simple Contraction Timer





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Simple Contraction Timer(圖1)-速報App

The value of a contraction timer is found in its simplicity and ease of use. In labor, timing contractions is just one of the many items you'll be attending to. This app is intended to make timing contractions so easy that you won't be distracted from what really matters - caring for mom.

How is Simple Contraction Timer different from any other contraction timer? Many Contraction timers are either overly complicated or leave the user feeling without control. This app has been created to provide a simple,minimalist and intuitive experience that's in the way as little as possible.

Simple Contraction Timer(圖2)-速報App

Simple Contraction Timer(圖3)-速報App

Simple Contraction Timer(圖4)-速報App